Friday, October 21, 2011

My Very Energetic Mother Just Served Us... Pickles?

One of the two things that miraculously regenerated my long-absent appetite was a pickle. 

It was a lacto-fermented pickle that hit my digestive system like the busy burst of healing lactobacillus bacteria that it is. (geek alert!)

Living food.

The other was fat. Pure saturated fats

Now, before you go all vegan or cholesterol-phobiac on me, let me do some explaining.

The Weston A. Price Foundation (you knew I was going to say that...) has been studying traditional diets around the world for many decades. I highly recommend you (if you haven't already) familiarizing yourself with their website. They are one of the leading authorities in scientifically solid evidence that fat (pure and unadulterated) is good. 

Even wikipedia admits that the medical research on this topic has been incomplete at best (and partially inconclusive at worst.) 

Here's a favorite article on the subject. Do read!

I am no expert and I will keep my arguable perspective brief:

People have eaten raw and/or minimally processed animal and tropical fats for as long as the history books tell. Until lately. Highly HIGHLY processed oils like partially hydrogenated soybean oil, corn oil, etc are a rather new invention, the timetable of which seems to strangely parallel that of increasing young American heart disease. Now, all that is well and good and plenty debatable. Look at it however you please and draw your own conclusion. 

The truth of the matter, I believe, lies in testimony.

I have never felt so vital in my life

I eat butter, coconut milk and oil, sesame oil, cream and bacon and have literally never been healthier. My husband is on the Eat Fat, Lose Fat phase 2 quick and easy weight loss plan and is 1) losing weight, 2) seeing age-old health issues just vanish, and 3) is consistently feeling vitalized, satisfied and stable. 

Even the children (who were breast-fed and health-fed from the start!) have benefitted immensely from this change. I feed them bone broths that simmer for over 24 hours, cod liver oil,  buttered bread and creamy whole milk or coconut milk smoothies. Their glowing complexions and {frightfully} increased energy stand as little wordless testimonies of their good health. 

Sure sure! I've gone too far. Duh we still get sick. Colds go around, gluten tends to irritate my stomach (ouch!) You could say we still have further to go on our food journey (boy do we! I'm excited for that.) But how I feel about it is that if I'm aiming for perfection here on earth, I'm missing the point. 

I just want to enjoy the days God has allotted for me. And, for me, that means eating the food that makes me feel and perform my very best, and moving right on to stewarding my resources wisely, being a good friend/mother/wife, and never ceasing my most fulfilling journey of all: drawing nearer and nearer to my eternal savior who saved me once and for all but continues, bless Him, to rescue me daily from myself, my will and my best laid plans. 

Hey, more on that pickle next time, alright? 

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