Thursday, November 3, 2011


First of all, if you're not following my doings on facebook, head on over there and click "like." I'm still climbing up the steep learning precipitous mountain curve, and haven't yet found the balance between blog and distinctly-more-casual page, but for the time being the facebook page is really where the action is. Info on blog, daily activities on page. At least for now.  

Speaking of which, I have a few questions.

  1. where are you at in your food journey, and can I help with anything?
  2. what about this blog has grabbed your attention?
  3. are you more interested in stories and testimonies or recipes?
  4. ...or is it general homemaking skills and inspiration that you seek?

For the last year and a half I've been writing fiction. I love doing so, but never in my writing life, until now, have I felt like such an endless fount of words! I have one million things I want to say and accomplish on this blog but I feel I am losing your attention because I'm trying to get it all out at once.

Your input really helps. But even without it, I will eventually get said what needs to get said and do what needs to be done. Just promise me, whether it's now or later, if you are looking for something specific from me, please don't let the request go unknown. 

My only dream for this site is to serve-up mounded-and-dripping-over platefuls of Encouragement with Inspiration Sauce. 

And what's in it for me?
  1. community
  2. increasing accessibility {due to growing demand} of local whole foods
  3. the joy that comes from sharing good things

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Now... some photos from our week...

 My kids and their smoothies:

  • One can whole coconut milk (or *yoghurt!)
  • One handful frozen fruit
  • Two farm-fresh egg yolks
  • Generous dash maple syrup
  • Optional banana
*if using yoghurt, add 1 Tbs melted coconut oil  :)


An easy old fashioned Meal:

  • Boiled young potatoes with butter
  • Natural savory sausages
  • Steamed cabbage with butter/salt/pepper
  • A good ale and a merry heart!!

 This amazing meatball dish:
{from Nourishing Traditions}
  • 1 lb veal or lamb
  • rosemary/onions/garlic
  • 1 cup bread crumbs
  • 2 eggs
  • salt and pepper
  • beef stock, red wine, canned tomatoes and spinach for the sauce

A jug of ginger ale:
{Recipe from Eat Fat, Lose Fat}
  • 4 Tbs coarsely chopped ginger root
  • Juice of 8 limes
  • 2 packages kefir powder
  • 1 gallon filtered water
Combine ingredients in sterile jar and set on counter, covered, for 48 hours. Lasts for months in the fridge and the taste improves with age!

Lunch at Taco Del Mar:

  • Whole pinto beans and rice
  • Pico de gallo for me
  • Veggie guacamole
     =Healthy enough for fast food!

A visit to the local pumpkin patch: the kids learned a lot about goats and lassoing!

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