Here's what I've done:
- Kept an ongoing list throughout the week of the items I was running out of
- Jotted down seven dinner ideas (no order):
- Chicken noodle soup
- Shellfish dinner ala Paul ;)
- French Onion Soup
- Leftover soups w/sandwiches
- Breakfast Dinner
- Pho
- Chicken and Potatoes
- Ran to the store between preschool and lunch and picked up basics etc:
- items I was running out of
- items needed for those seven dinners
- a few seasonal veggies
- extra butter for winter (butter from pastured cows is only high in Vit.s A and D while the grass is green, so buy now and freeze!)
- local garlic to get us through the winter
- extra coconut oil and cod liver oil for the coming flu season
I spent a grand total of $180, much of which will go into the winter months (the obvious things, as well as several jars of soup which I freeze each time I make a pot.)
Thanks for tuning in! With my arm the way it is, I may have a bit of a slow week - bear with me!
The next post will be a recipe, I promise!
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